Join Unrelated Entities and Map the Result to POJO with Spring Data JPA and Hibernate


In the previous article, we have seen how to call a stored procedure and map the native query result to POJO with Hibernate

In this article, we’re going to learn how to join unrelated entities with Spring Data JPA using JPQL and Hibernate using HQL.


The Hibernate Query Language (HQL) and Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL) are both object model focused query languages similar in nature to SQL. JPQL is a heavily-inspired-by subset of HQL. A JPQL query is always a valid HQL query, but not vice versa.

Both HQL and JPQL are non-type-safe ways to perform query operations.

Domain Model

Assuming we have the following entities

JPA Entities

The Post entity has an authorId attribute which maps to the id attribute of Author entity.

The Post entity also has a slug attribute which defines the relative address of this particular HTTP resource on our application server. Every time a user visits a given web page, a PageView event is persisted with a slug attribute so that we know which web resource was viewed by the user.

Post and PageView has the slug attribute in common. Just because they share a common property, it does not mean that we need to define an association between these entities. However, we would still want to join them on a per-query basis.


Interface-based Projection

Spring Data JPA provides an interface-based projection. We need to declare an interface that exposes accessor methods for the properties to be read from the database.

package com.javachinna.model;

public interface PostWithAuthor {
	public Post getPost();
	public Author getAuthor();

Class-based Projections (DTOs)

Project Lombok provides an @Value annotation which makes the fields private final by default, and the class exposes a constructor that takes all fields and automatically gets equals(…) and hashCode() methods implemented.

package com.javachinna.model;

import lombok.Value;

public class PostInfo {
	String title, authorName;
	Long viewCount;

package com.javachinna.model;

import lombok.Value;

public class PostWithAuthorDTO {
	private Post post;
	private Author author;

Joining with JPQL

Join Unrelated Entities

Assume that we need to select both Post and Author entity with a single select query, then we can do so with the following JPA repository method.

	@Query("select p as post, a as author from Post p inner join Author a on p.authorId = where = ?1")622
	public PostWithAuthor getPostWithAuthor(Long id);

In the above JPQL query, we are using aliases post and author which should match with the accessor methods defined in the PostWithAuthor interface. So that JPA will map the result to the interface automatically. We are joining the Author entity using the inner join with on clause which was introduced in Hibernate 5.1.

Join Multiple Entities

Assume that we want to select data from multiple tables and map the result to a POJO, then we can use JPQL inner join with on clause to join the tables and JPA constructor expression to map the result to the POJO as follows

	@Query("select new com.javachinna.model.PostInfo(p.title, a.firstName || ' ' || a.lastName, count(v)) from Post p inner join Author a on p.authorId = inner join PageView v on p.slug = v.slug")
	public List<PostInfo> getPostInfoWithConstrutorExp();

The class reference must be fully qualified and it must have a matching constructor. Hence, In the above query, we are using the fully qualified name of com.javachinna.model.PostInfo class followed by the new operator and this class is having a matching constructor exposed by lombok’s @Value annotation.

Join Unrelated Entities in JPA and Hibernate Older than 5.1

In JPA <=2.1 and Hibernate versions older than 5.1, entities should have an association to join them. Therefore, joining unrelated entities using the join clause is not supported.

However, we can still join unrelated entities using a Cartesian join or Cross join and reduce the cartesian product by specifying the conditions in the where clause. This is how we used to join the tables before the join clauses were introduced in SQL.

A Cartesian join or Cross join is a join of every row of one table to every row of another table. For example, if table A has 100 rows and is joined with table B, which has 1,000 rows, a Cartesian join will result in 100,000 rows.

	@Query("select new com.javachinna.model.PostInfo(p.title, a.firstName || ' ' || a.lastName, count(v)) from Post p, Author a, PageView v where p.authorId = and p.slug = v.slug")
	public List<PostInfo> getPostInfoWithoutJoinClause();

For this JPQL query, Hibernate will generate the below cross join SQL query:

select post0_.title as col_0_0_, concat(author1_.first_name, ' ', author1_.last_name) as col_1_0_, count( as col_2_0_ from post post0_ cross join author author1_ cross join page_view pageview2_ where and post0_.slug=pageview2_.slug

Note: It does not support outer join. So, If you need outer join, then either you need to write a native query or upgrade your hibernate version.

Joining with HQL

In this section, we are going to implement the above Spring Data JPA examples using pure Hibernate.

Join Unrelated Entities

Here, we are using constructor expression for DTO projection since Hibernate doesn’t support interface-based projection.

	public PostWithAuthorDTO getPostWithAuthor(Long id) {
		String query = "select new com.javachinna.model.PostWithAuthorDTO(p, a) from Post p inner join Author a on p.authorId = where = ?1";
		Session session = entityManager.unwrap(Session.class);
		return session.createQuery(query, PostWithAuthorDTO.class).setParameter(1, id).getSingleResult();

Join Multiple Entities

	public List<PostInfo> getPostInfoWithoutJoinClause() {
		String query = "select new com.javachinna.model.PostInfo(p.title, a.firstName || ' ' || a.lastName, count(v)) from Post p, Author a, PageView v where p.authorId = and p.slug = v.slug";
		Session session = entityManager.unwrap(Session.class);
		return session.createQuery(query, PostInfo.class).getResultList();

Join Unrelated Entities in Hibernate Older than 5.1

	public List<PostInfo> getPostInfoWithoutJoinClause() {
		String query = "select new com.javachinna.model.PostInfo(p.title, a.firstName || ' ' || a.lastName, count(v)) from Post p, Author a, PageView v where p.authorId = and p.slug = v.slug";
		Session session = entityManager.unwrap(Session.class);
		return session.createQuery(query, PostInfo.class).getResultList();

Test with Junit 5

package com.javachinna.demo;

import java.util.List;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import org.springframework.test.context.junit.jupiter.SpringExtension;

import com.javachinna.model.PostInfo;
import com.javachinna.model.PostWithAuthor;
import com.javachinna.model.PostWithAuthorDTO;
import com.javachinna.repo.PostInfoRepository;
import com.javachinna.repo.PostRepository;

public class DemoApplicationTests {

	private PostRepository postRepository;

	private PostInfoRepository postInfoDAO;

	public void getPostWithAuthorJpaTest() {
		PostWithAuthor postWithAuthor = postRepository.getPostWithAuthor(1L);
		Assertions.assertEquals("Chinna", postWithAuthor.getAuthor().getFirstName());

	public void getPostInfoWithConstrutorExpJpaTest() {
		List<PostInfo> list = postRepository.getPostInfoWithConstrutorExp();
		Assertions.assertEquals(2, list.get(0).getViewCount());

	public void getPostInfoWithoutJoinClauseJpaTest() {
		List<PostInfo> list = postRepository.getPostInfoWithoutJoinClause();
		Assertions.assertEquals(2, list.get(0).getViewCount());

	public void getPostWithAuthorTest() {
		PostWithAuthorDTO postWithAuthor = postInfoDAO.getPostWithAuthor(1L);
		Assertions.assertEquals("Chinna", postWithAuthor.getAuthor().getFirstName());

	public void getPostInfoWithoutJoinClauseTest() {
		List<PostInfo> list = postInfoDAO.getPostInfoWithoutJoinClause();
		Assertions.assertEquals(2, list.get(0).getViewCount());

	public void getPostInfoWithConstrutorExpTest() {
		List<PostInfo> list = postInfoDAO.getPostInfoWithConstrutorExp();
		Assertions.assertEquals(2, list.get(0).getViewCount());

Test Result

Jpa Hibernate Join Unrelated-Entities Junit 5 Test Result


Source Code


That’s all folks. In this article, we have explored various approches for joining the results of multiple entities using Spring Data JPA and Hibernate.

Please share it in your circle if you like this article. Thanks for reading.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Abhimanyu

    Would you develope appointment web project with doctors using java spring hibernate maven mysql ,
    calendar,jquery css, project and published.

    1. Chinna

      Due to time constraints, I can write articles/tutorials on specific topics only. It is very difficult to develop and publish a complete web application.

  2. Dwayne

    Thank you for this helpful article. What type of repo is PostRepository (CRUD, JPA, Custom) and does it have to specify both Author and Post in its declaration?

    1. Chinna

      It is a JPARepository for the Post Entity. So you don’t need to specify Author in its declaration. You can have a look at the code yourself here.

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